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Asian Rhinoplasty Surgery

Asian rhinoplasty is a form of ethnic rhinoplasty that involves a much different approach compared to the standard rhinoplasty surgery. First off, Asian rhinoplasty patients typically present with complaints about their bridge being too low, which often translates into the frontal appearance being too wide. A frequent comment from Asian rhinoplasty candidates is that they actually have difficulty wearing eyeglasses and sunglasses because their bridge is too low to actually support the glasses. In addition,... Continue Reading
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Blepharoplasty Eyelid Lift Cold Compresses

I just saw one of my blepharoplasty or eyelid lift patients back in the office. She is doing quite well and gave me a quick suggestion that I thought would be helpful to pass on to my other patients. For years now we have recommended our eyelid lift patients use Karo syrup, or corn syrup, as a cold compress to reduce swelling and bruising after surgery. It can be placed in sandwich bags and put... Continue Reading
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Rhinoplasty Incision Care

As part of my normal preoperative consultation for planned rhinoplasty and revision rhinoplasty I will to to emphasize the importance of taking care of the incision line following surgery. I thought I would post a quick blog entry regarding this since, as they say, pictures are worth a thousand words. Here is a link to my post rhinoplasty instruction guidelines to familiarize yourself with my recommended routine. It is a three step process that includes... Continue Reading
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Rhinoplasty Fascia Grafting

I happen to perform fascia grafting as part of rhinoplasty and revision rhinoplasty on a fairly regular basis. I do this type of grafting mostly in rhinoplasty patients with thin skin. In this patient population, anything done to reshape the nose can cause unwanted visible contour irregularities post-operatively because thin skin has a tendency to rapidly shrink wrap down to the new shape. In order to minimize risks of visible contour irregularities after rhinoplasty or... Continue Reading
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Rhinoplasty For Hump & Poorly Projected Nasal Tip

One of the most common complaints among patients seeking rhinoplasty is a dorsal hump and lack of tip projection. Because how common this is noted among rhinoplasty candidates, I decided to post a quick blog entry using a case example. Most of these patients present with a chief complaint of a bump along the bridge. When this is combined with poor tip projection, both issues can be exaggerated more than there are individually. For instance,... Continue Reading
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Nasal Base Reduction in Ethnic Rhinoplasty

My practice happens to see quite a variety of ethnic rhinoplasty patients on a regular basis. I would say that the two most common issues I see in ethnic rhinoplasty patients are insufficient bridge height and excessively wide nostrils. These particular case example of ethnic rhinoplasty highlights the latter issue - an excessively wide nasal base in an African American female patient seeking rhinoplasty. In this particular case, this patient required nasal base reduction as... Continue Reading
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San Diego Ethnic Rhinoplasty Case Study

Ethnic rhinoplasty is a particularly specialized form of nasal reshaping that takes into account the fact that different ethnicities demand different approaches when it comes to cosmetic nose surgery. Unfortunately, there are still many rhinoplasty surgeons practicing out there who simply perform the same type of rhinoplasty procedure whether they are treating an ethnic patient or not. In many of these cases, patients are left unhappy because their new nose is inconsistent and out of... Continue Reading
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Appearance of Ear After Rhinoplasty With Auricular Grafting

Rhinoplasty and revision rhinoplasty patients commonly ask what their ear is going to look like following nasal reshaping procedures where a portion of the ear is used for grafting purposes. In my practice, which emphasizes rhinoplasty and revision rhinoplasty, ear cartilage grafting, or auricular cartilage grafting, is done on a routine basis. The cartilage is taken from the ear and used to help reconstruct and reshape the nose in cases where the existing cartilage of... Continue Reading
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Three Weeks Post Rhinoplasty – Nose Looks Wider Than Previously

"I had a rhinoplasty procedure nearly 3 weeks ago and now my nose looks wider than it did preoperatively. Is this normal or should I be worried?" This question or a variation of this question is often asked on online rhinoplasty forums. The reality is that many rhinoplasty and revision rhinoplasty patients can appear wider at 3 weeks out than they did before surgery. This can be especially noted if grafting was performed as part... Continue Reading
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Ear Lobe Reshaping/Reduction

I had a patient consult with our office recently who inquired about ear lobe reduction/reshaping. This happens to be a niche procedure that not a lot of plastic surgeons actually perform on a regular basis. Given the fact that my practice focuses on facial plastic surgery here in San Diego, ear lobe reduction is something that I have done fairly consistently over the years. It is actually a variation of a limited otoplasty, or ear... Continue Reading
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Merry Christmas To All

On behalf of the staff at The Hilinski Clinic of Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery here in San Diego, we would like to wish all of our family, friends and patients a very merry Christmas!
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How To Narrow A Wide Middle Vault With Rhinoplasty

Management of a wide middle vault in rhinoplasty is one of the more difficult techniques when it comes to nasal reshaping. The reason is because you have to consider the positioning of the nasal bones in conjunction with their transition into the upper lateral cartilage as it helps form the brow-tip esthetic line. In order to familiarize yourself with these terms and their relevance in rhinoplasty, make sure to read our rhinoplasty tutorial entry on... Continue Reading
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Example of Reconstructive Septorhinoplasty

One of the main differences between my practice and other plastic surgeons' practices is that I have additional advanced specialty training in reconstructive work related to the nose. This more commonly involves patients that need a plastic and reconstructive surgeon for functional, or medically indicated, work that needs to be done. This is commonly referred to as a reconstructive septorhinoplasty. This reconstructive septorhinoplasty patient from San Diego was recently seen in our office and was... Continue Reading

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