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Considering A Facelift: What Should I Expect?

Our double board-certified facial plastic surgeon, John Hilinski, MD, explains what you can expect during facelift treatment.   Our facelift consultations entail a physical examination coupled with a thorough discussion to determine each patient’s specific aesthetic goals. I consider any patient who seeks a more youthful, rested appearance of the lower face and upper neck regions - while maintaining realistic expectations - a good candidate for this procedure. I also utilize a second follow-up consultation... Continue Reading

Macrotia Ear Plastic Surgery to Actually Make an Ear Smaller

Learn how I can actually make your ear smaller using scapha reduction technique for macrotia - also known as excessively large ears. This type of ear plastic surgery is much different from ear pinning surgery, which is intended to simply pull the ears back closer to the surface of the head. Macrotia ear plastic surgery is aspecialized type of otoplasty surgery with the goal of cutting out part of the ear to make it smaller.... Continue Reading

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