The Difference Between Facelift & Mini Lift Procedures

photo463When patients visit Dr. John Hilinski with the desire to rejuvenate their facial appearance, a number of procedures are considered — both surgical and non-surgical. One solution, in particular, has proven to address some of the most common concerns caused by aging: the facelift. While some patients can achieve beautiful results with this popular procedure, Dr. Hilinski explains that others may be able to reach their goals through a less extensive version: the “mini lift.” We’ve differentiated between the two procedures below to help patients better understand their options.

The traditional facelift is a great solution for patients who have more advanced signs of aging they would like to address. The procedure is designed to address the lower one-third of the face and the upper neck. Excess skin on the lower aspect of the cheeks and upper aspect of the neck is removed, and Dr. Hilinski then recontours the areas to provide a younger-looking aesthetic.

The mini lift, on the other hand, is not as comprehensive of a procedure compared to the full facelift. It can benefit those who have more subtle aging concerns they would like addressed or those who have previously undergone a facelift. Candidates are typically those with sagging skin on the lower face and upper neck that needs minor tightening.

In addition to the facelift and mini lift, Dr. Hilinski performs the mid facelift. Stay tuned for our next blog post to learn who makes the best candidates for this procedure specifically. To learn which option might be best for your individual needs and aesthetic goals, please contact us to schedule your consultation with Dr. Hilinski.