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Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

Platelet rich plasma, also known more commonly as PRP, is an office-based procedure offered here in San Diego that can be used in a variety of ways as a powerful anti-aging treatment option.

What is PRP?

But exactly is PRP you may ask? PRP is basically a concentrated solution of platelets that can be generated from a patient’s own blood. Platelets are well-known for their significant contribution in the healing process. Platelets are not only critical in the clotting process when you get cut – they also have a significant concentration of growth factors that help to stimulate stem cell response. In turn, these stem cells will help your body to generate new, more vibrant collagen production. Together this entire cascade aids in repairing and regenerating damaged soft tissue and skin while giving you a much more youthful and glowing appearance.

Some of the anti-aging results predictably seen with PRP injections include:

  • Improved skin color, tone and texture
  • Reduced dark circles and hollows under the eyes
  • Improved collagen production for facial soft tissue and skin
  • Reduced down time following resurfacing treatments like laser peels
  • Accelerated healing following a variety of facial plastic surgery procedures

PRP Facial/PRP Facelift

A PRP Facial is when a topical serum is applied to the face to help rejuvenate the skin. When PRP is injected under the skin surface to enhance the soft tissue and skin integrity, it is called a PRP facelift because of its powerful rejuvenating effects.

PRP & Microneedling

One of the most promising uses of PRP is when it is combined with microneedling of the skin. PRP and microneedling has been often times referred to as a vampire facial treatment on social media – mainly because the patient’s facial skin is covered in a red PRP serum. However, many doctors, including Dr. Hilinski, prefer to use an amber (straw or yellow) colored PRP preparation when performing microneedling skin enhancement. Either way, the PRP is helping to attract powerful, rejuvenating stem cells that are mixed with the dense, beneficial growth factors within the serum that combine to make your skin look its absolute best.

PRP & Enhanced Hair Growth

Scientific studies have now shown that PRP treatment can lead to enhanced hair growth without having to undergo complex hair transplant surgery. This is especially true for what is called androgenic hair loss patterns. A series of PRP injection treatments is required in order to achieve any substantial improvement in thinning hair loss.

How Long Does PRP Take to Work?

When PRP is used to help rejuvenate skin tone and texture, it can take weeks to months before the final improvements are seen. The reason there is a delay in visible response following PRP treatment is that the new collagen production needs that amount of time to take full effect. Once this takes place, the rejuvenation process becomes more manifest. Some will even say that the effects of PRP treatment can improve for as long as 18 months after a treatment session.

Is PRP FDA Approved?

The answer is that PRP is not officially approved by the FDA. But that is because the FDA does not regulate something like PRP, which is not an actual drug. PRP is considered a naturally derived serum that originates from your own blood. Therefore, the FDA has no current imposed regulation on its use for cosmetic facial enhancement.

Is PRP Safe?

PRP has a proven track record that spans many years of its use in other areas of medicine. For instance, PRP has been used medically in the past to aid in accelerating the healing process for various wounds, tendon damage, ligament damage, and joint damage. PRP has also been known to aid in helping to heal ulcers in diabetic patients.

What happens during a PRP treatment?

At your initial consultation appointment, we’ll discuss your goals and determine your treatment plan. PRP treatment for hair restoration or PRP facial or facelift may require a series of several treatments, depending on the desired results. You PRP specialist will begin by collecting a blood sample, a process similar to a standard blood draw at the doctor’s office. The blood will then be placed in a special centrifuge in order to extract the PRP (platelet rich plasma). Once your PRP is prepared, it will be injected and/or used topically as part of a microneedling treatment.

Does a PRP treatment hurt?

A topical anesthetic cream will be applied before the procedure to numb your skin. You may feel pressure during the procedure and some tenderness afterward, but the numbing cream will minimize any pain.

What results can I expect from a PRP facial?

In general, you can expect more even skin tone with improved brightness and diminished fine lines for a smooth, youthful glow. Results develop progressively and your skin will improve in the weeks to months after your treatment. Your PRP facial will be personalized, and depending on your individual goals your PRP specialist may recommend additional treatments.

How long will the results from a PRP facial last?

Results from a PRP facial treatment typically last several months and upwards of a year.

Are there any limitations to what a PRP facelift can achieve?

A PRP facelift combines the power of a PRP facial with the rejuvenating effects of injectable treatments such as BOTOX and injectable fillers. This custom-tailored procedure can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, improve skin tone, and add volume to the face. However, if you are seeking a long-term solution for deep wrinkles, heavy eyelids, or jowls, then you may consider a surgical facelift.

How many PRP sessions will I need for hair restoration?

PRP is most effective for treating hair loss when performed as a series of procedures. At your initial consultation, our PRP specialist will review your hair loss and your goals to determine your treatment plan.

Who is a good candidate for PRP?

If you are seeking a non-surgical procedure to restore a youthful appearance or stimulate hair growth, then PRP may be right for you. Since there is minimal risk of an adverse reaction and little to no downtime, PRP is suitable for a wide range of patients. Patients who have blood conditions or take blood-thinning medications should consult their physician before scheduling a PRP treatment.

When will I be able to return to work after undergoing a PRP treatment?

You may want to rest the remainder of the day after your procedure since patients can experience mild redness and swelling. The natural healing properties of PRP help speed up recovery time and most people resume regular activities within 24 hours.

How much does PRP treatment cost?

The price of PRP hair restoration or PRP facial treatments will vary depending on your aesthetic goals and the number of sessions needed to achieve your goals. The best way to determine your treatment plan is to schedule a consultation at our San Diego office.

San Diego PRP Consult

If you are interested in consulting with an expert in PRP facial treatments, do not hesitate to contact our San Diego office today.

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