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Nasal Tip

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Pinched Nasal Tip

A pinched nasal tip refers to a nose that is excessively narrowed in the region of the tip. This type of nasal abnormality can arise as a congenital problem - meaning the patient was born with this - or as a result of having had prior unsuccessful rhinoplasty surgery. In most cases, rhinoplasty patients presenting with a pinched nasal tip have had prior surgery that contributed to the problem. It is much less common to... Continue Reading
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Bulbous, Rounded Nasal Tip

The bulbous or rounded nasal tip is one of the more common reasons that patients seek rhinoplasty, or nasal reshaping, surgery. A bulbous nasal tip is one that simply looks more rounded - almost like a ball positioned on the end of the nose. Most rhinoplasty patients with a bulbous nasal tip describe their nose as being too wide or too big. Others describe the nose as being poorly defined without shape. To gain a... Continue Reading
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Nasal Tip Ptosis

Nasal tip ptosis (pronounced 'toe-si s') simply refers to a drooping or dropping nasal tip. Nasal tip ptosis can be a congenital deformity (that you were born with) or an acquired deformity arising from previous rhinoplasty where the tip was destabilized unintentionally. Tip ptosis is a particular finding that is easily appreciated when looking at the nose even from several feet away or across the room. You do not necessarily need to be a board... Continue Reading

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