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Latera Nasal Valve Procedure

September 25, 2018 | Rhinoplasty

Do you have chronic nasal obstruction that is not relieved with use of topical nasal steroid sprays? Does your nose collapse inward when you breathe in deeply? If so, you may be a candidate to undergo treatment with the Latera device. Latera is a minimally invasive procedure that is done…

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Latest Rhinoplasty Case Example

May 11, 2018 | Rhinoplasty

Visit SanDiegoRhinoplasty.com to see the latest case example published online by San Diego's foremost expert in rhinoplasty surgery - Dr. John Hilinski. Our sister site was created with the intention of providing any patient considering cosmetic nose surgery an online resource to learn more in-depth about this amazingly complex surgical…

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Tip Rhinoplasty Case Example

March 12, 2018 | Rhinoplasty Rhinoplasty Expert

See the latest from Dr. Hilinski's SanDiegoRhinoplasty.com website - a case example of tip rhinoplasty to repair a deviated nasal tip deformity in a young lady from San Diego. Fixing a displaced, or crooked, nasal tip is perhaps one of the most challenging types of cosmetic rhinoplasty. But this is…

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Over 200 Rhinoplasty Examples

Our ever-growing rhinoplasty photo gallery now has over 200 individual patient examples in just the primary rhinoplasty category alone! And that doesn't even touch on the growing revision rhinoplasty gallery. Within each patient example there are typically multiple views shown of each nose. What this tells you is that Dr.…

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Rhinoplasty Still Reigns

According to NewBeauty, the most popular facial plastic surgery requested in 2017 was rhinoplasty. This is not surprising, given how many patients seek out Dr. Hilinski here in San Diego for nose job surgery. What was a bit surprising was that nearly 97% of plastic surgeons reported that they perform…

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Septoplasty Repair in San Diego, CA

One method to confirm whether or not a nose reconstruction surgeon has adequately repaired a deviated septum - or crooked nasal septum - is to pass an instrument once the nasal airway has been fixed. This is a great visual example of this being performed by San Diego's leading expert…

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Male Rhinoplasty vs Female Rhinoplasty

October 20, 2016 | Rhinoplasty

Though the basics of rhinoplasty surgery are the same for men and women, the success of the procedure is dependent upon the artistic eye of your board-certified plastic surgeon. Men and women typically have different cosmetic goals when it comes to the shape and size of the nose. While women…

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Fixing a Droopy Nasal Tip

Read about correction of a droopy, or plunging, nasal tip in this latest addition to our expanding online rhinoplasty tutorial - one of the most detailed and informative resources online for prospective cosmetic nose surgery patients. This case example reviews the nuances of evaluating a droopy, or ptotic, nasal tip…

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Nasal Valve Stenosis Correction

This is a great example of how rhinoplasty technique is used to help correct a collapsed nasal tip - or narrowed external nasal valve area. This very pleasant gentleman from San Diego was having problems breathing through his nose - especially on his left side. As you can see in…

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Narrowing a Wide Nasal Tip

May 21, 2016 | Rhinoplasty

This is an example of cosmetic rhinoplasty to reshape a wide and droopy nasal tip. She is a very pleasant teenager who desired to have the tip of her nose reshaped. Using an open rhinoplasty technique, I was able to provide her with a nicely, narrowed tip that was rotated…

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