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CO2 Laser Rhinophyma Treatment

This is one of my favorite procedures to perform - CO2 laser treatment for rhinophyma. As an expert rhinoplasty surgeon, performing cosmetic reshaping of the nose never gets old. This is a unique type of nose that has excessive glandular activity creating the classic look of rhinophyma. I used a CO2 laser to actually sculpt and reshape this patient's nose - restoring what is essentially a normal look. These results demonstrate what typical rhinophyma patients look... Continue Reading

Tip Rebuilding and Deprojection

See how this patient had his nose rebuilt following prior unsuccessful nose surgery performed by a different plastic surgeon. In the process of making his nose function better, I was able to bring the tip in closer to his face. This latter maneuver is called deprojection of the nasal tip. This featured patient is the latest addition in our ever-expanding online rhinoplasty patient tutorial. Let us know what you think of his results!

Abnormal Smile After Rhinoplasty?

One concern I hear quite often from my rhinoplasty patients relates to smiling during the early recovery process. It is quite normal for many rhinoplasty patients to experience a 'stiff upper lip' in the early weeks to months of recovery. This is especially true if I have done a lot of work near the columella region of the nose. The swelling that can develop in this area often times leads to the feeling of having... Continue Reading

Am I a Good Candidate for Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures performed each year. The purpose of the surgery is to improve the appearance and/or function of your nose, while maintaining a natural look that is harmonious with the rest of your facial features. Men and women with varying physical needs and aesthetic goals can benefit from rhinoplasty. It is a highly customizable procedure that Dr. John Hilinski is highly skilled and experienced in performing. If... Continue Reading

Can I Afford Rhinoplasty?

The cost of rhinoplasty (or a nose job) can vary according to several factors. While cosmetic procedures are often not covered by insurance providers, a rhinoplasty that is intended to improve breathing functionality may be covered since it is reconstructive in nature. In addition to your insurance, the following factors may influence the total amount you can expect to pay: Anesthesia Surgical facility Medical tests Post-surgery garments and medications Expertise of the surgeon Although cost... Continue Reading

Rhinoplasty Patient Examples

As one of the regions top experts in cosmetic nose reshaping and functional nasal reconstruction, it stands to reason that Dr. Hilinski's before and after gallery of patient examples is quite expanse. In fact, Dr. Hilinski has literally hundreds of before and after rhinoplasty examples. This includes an incredibly wide range of primary rhinoplasty photos as well has revision rhinoplasty photos. Take a look at his gallery of some of the best rhinoplasty examples out there.

Narrowing a Wide Nasal Bridge

Learn more about narrowing a wide nasal bridge in this latest addition to our online rhinoplasty tutorial. This female patient desired to have (among other things) a more narrowed bridge. This was accomplished with osteotomies - whereby the nasal bones are intentionally broken and reshaped. Take a look at her before and after rhinoplasty results and let me know what you think!

Cephalic Orientation of Cartilage

Our most recent addition to San Diego's best and ever-expanding online rhinoplasty tutorial focuses on a special problem related to the bulbous nasal tip - cephalic orientation of the lower lateral cartilage. This is a relatively common problem in many patients seeking cosmetic nose work. Take a closer look to find out more about a highly specialized technique that can be used to provide a natural looking, more feminine nose in this group of rhinoplasty... Continue Reading

Teenage Nose Job Surgery

See the latest addition to our online rhinoplasty tutorial focusing on teenagers undergoing cosmetic nose job surgery. This young lady from San Diego desired to have her nose reshaped after several years of contemplating what nose job surgery might do for her facial appearance. This demographic group of teenagers seeking cosmetic nose surgery is a growing part of my rhinoplasty practice - largely due to the dynamics of social media such as Instagram and Facebook.... Continue Reading

Rhinophyma Laser Treatment

This is another example of CO2 laser treatment for a condition called rhinophyma. This is a disease that causes the skin of the nose to become overgrown - resulting in the appearance of a very bulbous nasal tip region. For many patients, this can become a significant cosmetic disturbance. In others, this heavy, thick skin can also result in some degree of breathing difficulty. The patient shown here had developed rhinophyma over a period of... Continue Reading
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Reconstructive Rhinoplasty for MOHS Defect

As an expert in nasal reconstruction, I commonly see patients who are seeking to have their noses repaired following skin cancer removal, or MOHS surgery. This is particularly common in this region of the country where sun exposure is so common year round. This very pleasant lady from San Diego consulted with me to see if I could help restore a more natural looking nostril rim after the skin cancer removal created a notched looking... Continue Reading

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