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Caudal Septum Deviation

January 22, 2018 |

One of the more challenging types of reconstructive rhinoplasty involves repair of a caudal septum deviation. Caudal Septum So what is the caudal septum you might ask? The caudal septum refers to the portion of the nasal septum that sits right behind the columella - which is the column that…

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Confirming Septoplasty Repair

January 11, 2018 |

In this video, Dr. Hilinski confirms a wide open and patent nasal airway after septoplasty surgery to help improve breathing for this young female from San Diego. By passing a surgical instrument like a forcep, Dr. Hilinski ensures there is no longer any deviation of the nasal septum.

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Functional Septorhinoplasty Surgery

January 26, 2015 |

Functional septorhinoplasty, or functional rhinoplasty, is a term often used to reference several different types of reconstructive nose surgery intended to improve the function of the nose. In essence, it is surgery being performed to help a patient breathe better through their nose. There is a wide variety of techniques that may need…

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February 7, 2014 |

Septoplasty, or septal reconstruction, surgery is largely considered a functional, or medically necessary, procedure intended to help straighten a deviated septum, or crooked septum. Many patients have at one time or another heard of friends or family members who have been diagnosed with a deviated septum. What Exactly Is The…

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