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Can I Do An Upper Eyelid Lift In The Office?

Many patients seeking an upper eyelid lift, or blepharoplasty, are pleasantly surprised to hear that they can undergo the procedure in the office setting. An upper eyelid blepharoplasty is one of the most gratifying procedures for both patient and surgeon. The procedure can have quite dramatic, yet natural appearing, results that provide a significant improvement in terms of looking more rested and youthful. Plus, upper eyelid blepharoplasty can usually be done in the office using... Continue Reading
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What Are Nasal Exercises For After Rhinoplasty?

In many rhinoplasty cases where I have performed osteotomies (breaking the bone) I may ask my patients to do what we term are nasal exercises. Basically these involve pressure strategically placed along the side of the nasal bone using the patients’ fingers. During the rhinoplasty procedure we break the bone and reshape the nose to the desired position. A cast is then placed to fixate the bones during the first week or so. Once the... Continue Reading
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Do You Pack The Nose After Rhinoplasty or Septoplasty?

One of the most common fears following rhinoplasty and/or septoplasty is the possibility that the surgeon is going to pack the nose. This means the surgeon places gauze or similar material inside the nasal passages to put internal pressure on the tissues. This is done to minimize chances of bleeding as well as to promote stable healing of the internal lining (called the mucosa). Unfortunately, nasal packing after rhinoplasty/septoplasty is extremely uncomfortable. Not only is... Continue Reading
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Downtime After Rhinoplasty

I often get asked, “What is my downtime going to be following rhinoplasty?” The answer can certainly vary among different patients. However, in general, the first week you will have tape and possibly a cast on the nose. I usually remove sutures around 5-6 days out from surgery along with the tape and cast. On that day, your new nose will be ‘revealed’ but don’t expect it to look like the finished product. It will... Continue Reading

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