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Update On Dermal Fillers

Many patients ask whether or not fillers can be used in the more aged patient as an alternative to undergoing the knife. The reality is that many patients, including more elderly patients, are considered great candidates to undergo dermal filler treatment of their face. The following patient is a great example of exactly what I am referring to with dermal fillers. This female patient from San Diego is 77 years old and simply didn't want... Continue Reading
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Do I Have to Be Careful With My Ears All my Life Following Otoplasty?

We get this question from potential otoplasty, or ear reshaping, patients quite commonly. Do I need to be careful with my ears for the rest of my life following the surgery? The answer is no. Fortunately, otoplasty is done using permanent sutures to reshape the ear. Once the healing process is completed around 3-4 months out, there is sufficient scar tissue to maintain the shape of the ear permanently. It will take upwards of one... Continue Reading
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Combining Chin Implant with Platysma Muscle Tightening

We have had several patients consulting with us over the past few months for chin augmentation with placement of an implant. Many of these patients were seeking an increase in projection to achieve more definition along the jawline and upper neck. In several of these patients, it was noted that tightening of the platysma muscle would also prove beneficial in their surgical outcome so I decided to post a quick blog regarding this combination procedure.... Continue Reading
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When Do Rhinoplasty Patients Typically Become Happy With Their Noses?

This is a question often asked by rhinoplasty & revision rhinoplasty patients. The answer to this in my patient population is usually around 1-2 months out. Most people feel presentable in the public eye around 10-14 days out from surgery but still don't quite appreciate the changes made to the nose. As the swelling subsides in the first 1-2 months, a majority of patients will begin to see the new shape of their nose becoming... Continue Reading
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Rhinoplasty Lecture at UCSD School of Medicine

I had the pleasure of speaking at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine, Division of Plastic Surgery Grand Rounds this past Saturday. It was a great meeting of the minds with many local and regional plastic surgeons getting together to exchange ideas. I spoke about rhinoplasty pearls - various topics related to my personal approach to rhinoplasty and revision rhinoplasty. I was joined by Dr. Malcolm Lesavoy, a plastic surgeon from the... Continue Reading
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Dr. Hilinski to Discuss Rhinoplasty at Upcoming Plastic Surgery Symposium

Dr. Hilinski was invited to be a featured speaker at the upcoming University of California, San Diego, Division of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Symposium this coming Saturday. Dr. Hilinski was asked to present his personal approach regarding rhinoplasty and revision rhinoplasty to an audience of San Diego plastic and reconstructive  surgeons. Dr. Hilinski was invited largely based on the fact he is a regional expert in complex, challenging rhinoplasty and revision rhinoplasty cases.
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Free Latisse! Get Longer, Fuller, Darker Lashes…

The Hilinski Clinic is now offering FREE LATISSE with purchase of either Botox or Juvederm! Latisse is the only prescription treatment available to help make your eyelashes longer, fuller and darker. Eligible patients can now receive a free box of Latisse (a $100 value) from the Hilinski Clinic with any concurrent purchase of Botox wrinkle treatment or Juvederm soft tissue filler treatment. Call us today to schedule your appointment. Visit us online at
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Get $50 Off Dsyport And Get Ready For The Holidays!

The Hilinski Clinic is happy to announce our 2010 Dysport Holiday Offer! With a savings of $50 off a treatment session with Dysport, now there’s even more reasons to try Dysport - the only alternative to Botox for treatment of unwanted lines and wrinkles. Get ready for the fast approaching holiday season by getting your Dysport today. This promotion is available for a limited time, for treatments received from November 1 through December 31, 2010.... Continue Reading
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Rhinoplasty For Just Hump Reduction

Question: Is it possible to just get rid of a bump without having my tip fall down? Answer: The answer to this often asked question is - yes. There are plenty of potential rhinoplasty patients out there who simply dislike the bump on their nose. If your tip is in good position and has a nice shape, it is certainly a possibility to reshape the nose by reducing just the bump. The concern in some... Continue Reading
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How Do You Choose Your Rhinoplasty Surgeon?

I see this exact question or some variation of it posed on forums all the time. The answer to this is actually fairly straightforward. The challenge is finding a rhinoplasty surgeon who fulfills all of the desired qualifications. Given the fact that rhinoplasty, or nose reshaping, is hands down the most difficult plastic surgery procedure to perform correctly, it is well worth the effort to research this topic carefully and thoroughly. The first thing you... Continue Reading
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Stopping Blood Thinners For Rhinoplasty Surgery

I was seeing a preoperative rhinoplasty patient today in the office and we got on the topic of stopping blood thinners prior to her scheduled surgery. She raised the question of whether or not this was considered a high risk operation in terms of bleeding. I counseled her that rhinoplasty and revision rhinoplasty are actually not considered high risk surgeries in terms of bleeding. However, if you are taking a restricted medication that you should... Continue Reading
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Increased Comfort For Botox and Dysport Treatment

Just a quick reminder to all of our Botox & Dysport patients and prospective patients out there who desire a little more comfort with their treatment. We have many patients who have requested and received a topical numbing cream to apply before coming to our office for their Botox & Dysport injections. The numbing agent contains a mixture of topical agents that help reduce pain and discomfort with the actual treatment. The numbing agents need... Continue Reading
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Reverse Brow Lift For Excessively Long Forehead

I was just speaking with one of my plastic surgery colleagues here in San Diego about recent inquiries regarding patients with excessively long foreheads. Believe it or not this is a relatively common complaint among patients, particularly females. Usually patients note that their hairline starts much higher up than normal. This gives the appearance the forehead is much longer in an up and down direction. The only real treatment for this particular problem is to... Continue Reading

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