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Taping the Nose Following Rhinoplasty

We have just added a new segment to our online rhinoplasty tutorial titled Taping the Nose. This segment was added for all of you rhinoplasty and revision rhinoplasty patients who have been instructed to tape your nose at night. The tutorial covers my general guidelines and techniques for taping the nose after nasal reshaping surgery. Hope it helps.
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Neck Liposuction Versus Having a Neck Lift

Just saw a new patient from San Diego who was interested in having more definition along her jawline and neck. She was 38 years old and was inquiring about whether she needed liposuction of the neck versus an actual neck lift procedure. What I explained to her is that there are, in general, three different types of patients when it comes to enhancing the neck contour. Neck Liposuction There are those who have fairly reasonable... Continue Reading
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How Soon Can I Run After Rhinoplasty?

Every case should be assessed individually, but, in general, most patients can begin aerobic type activity like running or fast-paced walking within 2-3 weeks of having rhinoplasty performed. At this point, patients will usually see more swelling of the nose the day after exercise, but this should not be a significant deterrent to resuming exercise. Most patients feel a sense of pressure or more localized pain in the nose with resumption of exercise. This is... Continue Reading
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Am I Able To Have Rhinoplasty At 18 Years Old?

This question or a variation thereof is commonly asked in online rhinoplasty forums. The answer is that I frequently perform rhinoplasty on female patients 17-18 years of age. In fact, I have done rhinoplasty on a female patient here in San Diego who was 15 years old (although there were extenuating circumstances). Females in this age range have typically reached a plateau in terms of their nasal shape and size. Males usually take a little... Continue Reading
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San Diego Otoplasty Update

This was a great example of otoplasty, or ear reshaping, in an ethnic patient from San Diego who desired to have his ears reshaped for excess prominence. Overall, however, he did not wish to have a significant change. In fact, a majority of what we did during his ear reshaping procedure involved his lobule and lower auricle. As you can see in his photo series below, it was the lower half of his ear that protruded... Continue Reading
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Revision Rhinoplasty To Create A More Feminine Profile View

This revision rhinoplasty patient was recently in the office for a follow-up evaluation and was a great example of how to create a more pleasing, feminine profile view. She had surgery by a plastic surgeon in the Beverly Hills area and was unsatisfied with her original outcome. She then sought consultation with our office for a formal revision rhinoplasty. She was mostly displeased with her profile view, especially the tip to bridge transition. In addition,... Continue Reading
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Septoplasty (Septal Reconstruction) Tutorial

We are proud to announce that we have added a new page to our San Diego Rhinoplasty Tutorial focusing on septal reconstruction, or septoplasty. Here is the link to the new septoplasty tutorial page. We hope this provides some assistance to those patients out there who are considering septoplasty surgery for difficulty breathing through the nose.
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Lengthening The Short Nose in Rhinoplasty

Perhaps one of the most difficult procedures to perform in the world of rhinoplasty and revision rhinoplasty is lengthening the short nose. By 'short nose' I am referring to a nose that is overly rotated or turned up. In rare cases a short nose can be congenital, meaning it is simply the result of one's genetics. In a majority of cases, however, the short nose is something that is the result of prior rhinoplasty surgery... Continue Reading

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